Wednesday, 18 December 2013


Two years ago I was possessed by the sudden urge to produce my skills in computer text for people to relish the intellectuality of my very juicy flavours. When providing my art to school magazines, which I still ensue to do so became a cliché as there were many whose only art that got published was copying.  

The previous year when an article which was in close proximity to mine was highly conspicuous only because it was a direct imitation of the English song ‘Hall of Fame’ and still nobody realised that vexation had encapsulated me, I doubted continuing my trust towards this thick group of paper. 

Since nothing abated my anger more than an adolescence’s urge to take everything on a lighter note, I brought to a teacher’s notice about the unawareness of the higher authorities and how naive and ignorant they were, in a rather humorous manner.

Maybe the event occurred a year after the beginning of my virtual writing, but what I provided was the strongest example.

Blogging, as is the common term, allowed my satisfactory yearly writing to turn into a daily or at least a monthly routine if not more.

At the start, the fear of unsuccessfulness did consume my confidence and exploit my inner fear which must’ve exposed me as a poltroon, but it didn’t suppress my thoughts let alone my skills.

“Your writing sucks!” must’ve rung in my ears in many voices, yet I continued, only by naming my fear ‘irrational’!

I wrote the first sentence, and then I couldn’t stop or get up from my seat, just like a lazy ass confined to a sofa. Only I wasn’t lazy, at least then.

I was relieved when I was done. But I realised I couldn’t close my shop just then. The reason being every friend, countrymen, Romans and non-Romans had to lend me their eyes (exaggeration). After enlightening half a hundred homo sapiens about my latest experiment, I was contented for the day. But the urge again possessed me and I began again!

Hasta la Vista,